We lived together during college years up till recently..that's like what almost 6 years of living together..we know each others in and out...remember the nickname' pakatan berlapan' which we got :p..that's what ppl used to call us coz it was a group of 8 close friends always together...corse it dwindled down to four coz the other four is safely back at home in m'sia..
I guess with Nad gone, we won't be able to hear anyone nagging at us to study anymore..I'd also won't be able to talk to her bout my probs face to face anymore..coz one thing about her is that she'd always be around to lend an ear and give sound advise and she's not one to judge..
Nad babe, i'm gonna miss you loads u have no idea how much...i wish i could turn back time back to the days when we were just students and keep it that way...
this event is another one of life's way of telling you that time is passing by and that life moves on...
eventho you feel as if you're static and not moving forward..it doesn't mean that life around you is not...
Having Nad leaving was like a cold splash of water to my face..it made me realize that our lives are moving on and that we are growing up...growing up to be responsible adults( sumhow it doesn't feel like it for me..i still feel like i'm 'adik' and would go to dearest mom and sista for help)
But what i'm sure of is that we would always be the pakatan berlapan..and any big events or even the itsy bitsy small ones happening in each of our lives, i know that these group of friends would always be around..
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