Of birthdays, xmas, new year, all of that has passed....it's different this year as i spent it at home...
Mom, sis and the rest ATTEMPTED to make a surprise of a cake for me but to no avail coz they all are such losers in making surprises...but hey, its the thoughts that counts rite.. :)
I got a netbook for my birthday from my family...totally love it since its pink and most of all since it is so portable its very handy..starbucks 'ere i come !
But most of those dates were spent either in Penang or Kedah with family just hanging out...
I started 'working' last week on Monday...so far, ave gotten no assignments yet as the lot of us hasn't gotten our placings yet.. so we've been hanging around in the meeting room..just lazing about with pritty much nuthin' to do...
I don't know how i feel yet about working here..initial reaction is shocked with lots of nervousness as the place is such a huge n important place..all i can think about is ' wat the hell am i doing ere??' n the things that i have to adapt to...am starting to see the difference working ere n in ireland a bit...
Once i properly start, i am pritty sure i'll be seeing a whole lot more that those small differences...hopefully, fingers-crossed, the differences would not be all that bad...
Honestly tho, i am also still waiting for offers from others that i have been on interview with...we'll see how it goes, i guess...
I better go..before i get caught playing hooky :P
Happy New Year everyone..hope 2010 brings you much happiness.
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