

I like being able to do what I want with my life..I like being able to make my own decisions taking into accounts all its pros and cons...but at times I wish I can just sit back and let someone else decide and do the guiding..

I miss having that someone around to say 'do this', 'do that', 'no, u can't do that' and I'd just gladly follow along coz I know that he has my best interest at heart..

I miss having that someone who would make jokes to cheer me up..when really its not all that funny..but because he's doing it and I know that its not really in his nature to do it, and it cheers me up instantly...

I miss having that someone wait patiently at the couch before I get ready to go out..but I can see him shaking his legs and thats a signal that he is getting irritated from waiting too long..so I try harder to get ready faster and not be the last one late..

I miss having that someone who would care for me when I get sick..forcing me to swallow my medication at times even forcing it down my throat :) All I had to do was lay my head in your lap and you would somehow manage to get it down my throat...

I miss having that someone be in the driver's seat to lead the way on our trip for the day..and sometime during it, I would end up massaging him just to prevent him from falling asleep...I remember thinking how cool it was whenever we drove up, other cars would always let us pass through..little did I know about the whole 'highbeam method'...

I miss having that someone that likes to talk to himself while in the loo..now this I miss the most..cause I have not yet meet anyone else who loves to talk out loud in the loo...

I miss having that someone that I can crawl into bed with, hug him closely and just fall to sleep...

I miss your smile, I miss your hugs, I miss playing with your hair, I miss messing around with your toes...I miss how you smell like..always pleasant...

I miss the fact that I rarely get the chance to call out the word 'daddy' anymore...

Note: This is not intended to be a sad post..am just merely reminiscing.. :)

1 comment:

  1. blood runs deep...and i guess the apple doesnt fall far from the tree xP guess who likes talking to himself ;D but i never know that daddy likes talking to himself in the loo :P
